Hi. This is the new Skyfeathers page.
- The reunion is over, but you can listen to it as many times as you like. I've just posted the mp3 files of entire event here.
- *** Skyfeathers New Wave Dancefloor Reunion It's on!!! - Aug. 8. 9:30pm til ? (that's a Saturday night), Tampa, Ybor City, @ The Castle (we have our own room - The Dungeon. It will be fun. I'll play all our favorite tunes, nice and loud for the dancing and the crazytime.
Let me know if you can make it, or contact us on Facebook or myspace. - Facebook group, called... Skyfeathers. Pretty original, I know, right? Anyway, you bookFacers can say hi there as well. Just go to facebook.com and search for Skyfeathers. You'll see us. Also, I've posted a list on the Facebook group of additional songs that I need some help remembering specifics on - then they will be added to our Playlist.
- Black Eric (Eric Sweat) is back with us! He's on the forum and will be adding some memories soon. Also, I've added more names to the list that a number of you had submitted, some I'd been meaning to add for over a year!
- According to Black Eric, Dean Logan passed away about 2 years ago. We'll miss you Dean.
- Jenny Christodal and Joe Nappi have sent in a bunch of pix from back in the day - awesome. Hit the Image Gallery to see the goods.
- While going through some boxes of old stuff in the attic, I found something that brought back some great memories...
click on it!
- Skyfeathers - now on myspace. Was it inevitable? Pretty much, yeah. http://myspace.com/skyfeathers
- VIDEOS! Yep, genuine 1980's video, from our beloved Skyfeathers. Just click on the Audio & Video link at left to check 'em out.
- I'll be adding a contact page at some point so for now, please use the dittomusik.com Contact form to get in touch.
- Reagan isn't president anymore.
- If you don't have the font Chicago installed on your computer, maybe now is a good time. It will make this page slightly more interesting and adds a retro touch. It's the font used on the original Mac's.